I missed it,

I contributed my way to reaching this by running 4 different accounts on 2 computers, i watched the RSS feed from Skype, and also the graph of the http://nyanyan.to/ website. And I was luckily home to witness it!
The table below shows the previous “million” days since Skype launched officially its software.

But there is light in the darkness: Hudson Barton firmly believes “peak concurrent users online” isn’t a good number for measuring the popularity of Skype, and he could be right, I will probably explain tomorrow why i “perhaps” agree with him.
Plus 4 accounts on 2 different computers for me.
Would be nice to know how many users are running two or more accounts at the same time.....
Any statistics about this Jean?
Jean, those are some interesting statistics. If you have hostorical peak user data, I think it would be even more interesting to see the number of days it takes Skype to grow an additional 10% instead of an additional 1 million users. After all, going from 5 to 6 is more of an accomplishment (percentage-wise) than going from 8 to 9. If you did this analysis, I think it would should a clear slowdown in growth would it not?
I don't have statistics about how many users are running two or more accounts Ike :-)
It isn't too difficult to make a good guess about the additional 10% growth, but tomorrow i'll try to explain why peak moment doesn't represent the whole picture.
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