I have about 40 “pure” Skype contacts. I mean people i met through the Skype forums, a few Skype staff, students who made some memoir on Skype and asked me some data or help, Skype bloggers, etc.
Until yesterday I never met one of them alive. But Jan from Malaysia was in Belgium, in my city (Ghent), and he contacted me. So we met in town and drunk some “genevers” in the “dreupelkot” and afterwards some more Belgian beers (together with his friend Ivan) … and we talked a lot about the present and future of Skype. Well, to be honest, he talked more, but he also knows more.
For those who don’t know this: Jan is Belgian, from Ghent, but is expat in Malaysia, and has IMHO the best Skype Blog since SkypeJournal lost some of its contributors and therefore lowered its quality. See here: Skype-Watch.