- March 17: Total downloads = 1,168,075,188
- March 17: RSS feed stuck at the above-mentioned number until March 27
- March 27: Total downloads = about 500,000,000 during some hours
- March 27: Correction to about 630,000,000 downloads
- April 13: Sudden jump to a little bit less than 1,338,000,000 downloads

I don’t believe this, because I personally NEVER saw such a high download speed (I don’t say it never happened for very short time spans however!) The total number of downloads is still wrong in my opinion.
Why worry? Well I don’t! The total number of downloads is as useless as the total number of registered usernames (you know, the 450 million usernames that Skype likes to claim they have). What would be useful, is to know how many Skype clients are “active” or used!
So, why do I follow that number anyway? From the number of downloads, you can derive the download SPEED. And THIS is interesting. Because increases in the download speed could indicate that something is happening!

The last weeks have been quite interesting in this regard with speeds as high as 2400 downloads per minute. Indeed, there have been interesting announcements: Skype for SIP, and especially the Skype for iPhone!