*Pamela is a very nice add-on for Skype: answering machine, call recording and 100 other features.
now only about numbers, sometimes, but in the past ...
I WAS publishing here my thoughts about Skype, and mainly about the "numbers". Indeed, as a first hour user, since almost the beginning of the exponential growth i tried to register some data about it. I published in the past as a Guest Blogger in Skype Journal and Skype News some graphs and comments and will continue this here.
English isn't my mother tongue: corrections are highly appreciated!
A screnshot of the moment you receive the birthday notifcation in Skype without Pamela would be nice :)
Well, I was too late. It was a red flag, i saw the notification, clicked on it, and the notification was gone!
@Jean: Nice you have made it possible anyway :)
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