The red curve represents the average new forum users in a particular month! There are two months that were very popular ;-) : September 2005 and June 2006. When i saw these jumps, i thought "something wrong". So i searched in that period for strange patterns in the new forum names. I also looked at March 2006.
The blue curve and peaks are the number of new forum users of particular days.
My conclusions were:
- 5000 new usernames on September 6, 2005 by somebody who wrote an automatic script!
- first days of March 2006: no explanation! Perhaps a normal increase?
- around June 3, some days like September 6, but a bit cleverer ;-)
- between June 26 and July 1, same as above!
- August 16 and the days after is the new forum "effect": new users plus the old users who have to create a new user account. Understandable but weird (for the old users!).

Why are the peaks "3 and 4" cleverer? See the screenshot below! I wil give an answer in the coming days, but would love to have some people make a guess!
(I know this is a dirty trick to make you come back to my blog ;-)

Sometimes there are out of the blue a huge number of true SPAMMERS. This can be on a certain day or days.
All these SPAMMERS get blocked where their names remain on the forums though with 0 posts.
Although I can't recall the dates, we definitely had strange peaks. We even joked that the hot weather caused it...
OK, i understand this. But i am sure the forum user [ www.ahg-forum.com ]6293 and all the similar colleagues didn't make any post.
From your comment i guess that, with the word spammer, you mean those people who posted repeated or commercial stuff on the forum.
But, indeed, i forgot that when you remove posts, you also remove the message, and that therefore the counter stands on zero!
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