
Download speed of Skype client accelerating!

If the RSS feed of Skype provides correct numbers (and I don’t doubt about it!) we will see in the next days a serious increase of concurrent Skype users online! Indeed, the last days the number of downloads of the Skype client has a main speed of 4200 downloads per minute, and I even saw a speed of 6375 downloads/minute, never saw such a high speed before! (I don’t monitor on a continuous basis, therefore there probably were even higher download speeds!)
Exciting times ahead :-)


Anonymous said...

Probably linked to Microsoft's emails about the closure of the MSN service. Those emails are being rolled out progressively from comments I've seen on social media.

skype themes said...

I think it depends on what country and your internet speed, but as the diagram says, it's really fast, is this kind of speed has a lag still while chatting on skype? also i hope there's a skype theme for us skype addicts!

Unknown said...

Your figures are nice.
I'm french and write and would like to ask you some questions.
How it is possible ? Can I have your e-mail address ??


Jean Mercier said...

Bonjour Louis,

Quel genre de questions tu voudrais me poser, le sujet est suffisant?

Bien à toi,


Unknown said...

Bonjour Jean,

J'aurais aimé avoir des chiffres sur Skype notamment et la téléphonie en général :
-Nombre d'utilisateur total;
-découpage démographique des utilisateurs;
-Qui et pour quelle raison utilise la vidéo ?;



Unknown said...

Pardon, la télévidéo ^^

Jean Mercier said...

Je ne suis absolument pas en mesure de te fournir ces informations, car je ne suis pas un employé de Skype. Tout ce que tu vois sur mon blog vient soit des « RSS feed » de Skype, soit ce que je lis à droite ou à gauche sur le Web ou sur le blog même de Skype. Il y a belle lurette que Skype ne publie pratiquement plus de données démographiques.

TMIS said...

Nice Post. I like your blog. Thanks for Sharing.
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