
13 million – congratulations Skype!

So, today, another million mark was reached: 13 million concurrent users online.
After a very strong start in 2008, where two million marks were reached in a very short time span, we had to wait 210 days for the next million. This was the third longest period we had to wait for a million mark. This also means there is still a good and steady growth of Skype users, and it also means most of them are satisfied with the services offered.
But the growth isn't exponential anymore. The graph seems to show a small downward bending tendency.
I hope some innovations will cheer us up in the near future: a genuine Skype client for the iPhone for instance!

And perhaps another side comment: until right now, almost nobody blogged about these 13 million. It therefore seems to be a no-event!


Hudson said...

Ongoing discussion of Skype statistics and miscellaneous here: http://glimfeather.com/borderless/Chats/garnet_stone-3.html

Anyone can join the conversation which is a public Skype chat.

Hudson said...

You don't have enough data to say "But the growth isn't exponential anymore. "

If you look at the last 24 months, then it is slowing down. If you look at the last 12 months, then Skype growth in the number of users is accelerating.

Jean Mercier said...

Bullshit Hudson,

If you take the last two weeks it is indeed accelerating. Like all other months of September in the past.

I have enough data to pretend that it is more or less linear since the beginning of 2006, and even slightly decelerating.

There have been accelerating periods and decelerating periods, but the main tendency is decelerating.

Anonymous said...

bullshit? you are one rude blogger.

Jean Mercier said...

I already apologized to Hudson for the rude words.

But you are "anonymous", and i don't like anonymous comments.