
Happy Birthday Skype: 10 years!

10 years of fun ...
  • free communications
  • improved sound quality (compared with the poor bandwidth of classical phone and cell phones)
  • free video
  • nice chatting
  • file transfer while calling
  • free voice messages
  • conference calls
  • did i forget something?
And some real examples here in this article!

I begun to use it because ...
  • the Brazilian mother of my kids could call for free or much cheaper to her relatives
  • and I had also quite some friends or even customers abroad!
And the last years ...
  • two of my kids lived for many months in Brazil
  • my almost deaf mother can't call me anymore by phone or cell phone, but Skype (better sound quality and lip reading) is still possible
  • I still have friends abroad of course!
Thanks Skype


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Timetous said...

Dear, I need to talk to you please cooperate with me. Thanks

