Beware, not every country measures the number of deaths in the same way, France for instance doesn't count people dying in retirement homes!
And it is quite clear that Iceland and Luxembourg are testing more people than other countries!
Corona speed - some European countries
My analysis
is worth what it is worth …
Not sure
that I am right and not sure that this is interesting, but numbers were always
my hobby.
Spain seem
to do it almost worse than Italy!
Corona or Covid: absolute numbers compared to relative numbers
A “relative
number” is publishing numbers compared to – in this case – the population or
demography, as you want to call it, English isn’t my mother tongue.
I saw this graph (see on the right side) on a Belgian newspaper: wrong conclusion, we Belgian (red graph) or Swiss are less infected
than Italy and Spain!
OK … let’s
rework the data …
Today March
20, graph of Covid “confirmed” cases per 1 million people: Italy first, then
Switserland (!), Spain and Norway!
Of course, remember
the word “confirmed”: probably my partner and myself also got the disease, but
in a bearable way, so we wont get tested. Perhaps Switzerland and Norway test
much more people, therefore they report more cases: they belong to the richest
countries of the world!
Please criticize
my analysis, or ask questions when you don't understand my point, welcome, I could be wrong …
Not about Skype, but yes about numbers
I have always been a number cruncher. This is not related to Skype ...
I saw with apprehension the victory of Donald Trump.
I am therefore surprised that – to my knowledge – few people commented on « numbers » including the « other candidates ». Indeed, there were some other presidential candidates. Who is really aware of this in the rest of the World (I mean outside the USA)?
Of course, Trump won in a democratic election with rules, strange rules perhaps, but rules: 290 to 228 electors of the Electoral College. A very significant victory of Democracy. We (the US people and the rest of the world) should respect this.
On the other hand Clinton got 47,7% of votes, and Trump « only » 47.4% . Yes, many people are aware of this.
But, I noticed another trend! The other candidates got the following percentages of votes (source BBC):
2004: 1.0 %
2008: 1.4 %
2012: 1.6 %
2016: 4.9 %
In 2016 about three times more people than in 2012 voted for « other » candidates, and compared to 2004 this is 5 times more! In my opinion, and this is a personal opinion, traditional or professional politicians lost against outsiders. Clinton lost against Trump PLUS the others. There is a shift of more than 3% to « outsiders ».
Again, in my opinion, a lot of people are so angry with traditional politicians that they voted for Trump AND others, against professional politicians.
Traditional politicians against new politicians: 47.7% against 52.3%. Democracy won.
I am a Belgian citizen, a very small democratic country in this world. I tell you, that I already hesitated to vote for one of the « less political correct parties » just to protest against our stone age self protecting traditional parties. I am also angry, and not on Trump ...
I saw with apprehension the victory of Donald Trump.
I am therefore surprised that – to my knowledge – few people commented on « numbers » including the « other candidates ». Indeed, there were some other presidential candidates. Who is really aware of this in the rest of the World (I mean outside the USA)?
Of course, Trump won in a democratic election with rules, strange rules perhaps, but rules: 290 to 228 electors of the Electoral College. A very significant victory of Democracy. We (the US people and the rest of the world) should respect this.
On the other hand Clinton got 47,7% of votes, and Trump « only » 47.4% . Yes, many people are aware of this.
But, I noticed another trend! The other candidates got the following percentages of votes (source BBC):
2004: 1.0 %
2008: 1.4 %
2012: 1.6 %
2016: 4.9 %
In 2016 about three times more people than in 2012 voted for « other » candidates, and compared to 2004 this is 5 times more! In my opinion, and this is a personal opinion, traditional or professional politicians lost against outsiders. Clinton lost against Trump PLUS the others. There is a shift of more than 3% to « outsiders ».
Again, in my opinion, a lot of people are so angry with traditional politicians that they voted for Trump AND others, against professional politicians.
Traditional politicians against new politicians: 47.7% against 52.3%. Democracy won.
I am a Belgian citizen, a very small democratic country in this world. I tell you, that I already hesitated to vote for one of the « less political correct parties » just to protest against our stone age self protecting traditional parties. I am also angry, and not on Trump ...
Wishes 2015 and what with my blog?
To all my readers and occasional visitors, my best Wishes for 2015.
And a special thought about what happened yesterday in France: everybody should be free to say or write whatever he wants, and everybody has the right to disagree! But not with violence! I too am Charlie!
What about the future of my blog? Well, it is and was always mainly about numbers: users online, downloads, financial data, users by country, calling minutes, number of Skype forum users, …
In the far past, when Skype was still a 100% European company, they published quite a lot of those numbers. Then EBay purchased it, and the information became less frequent, but still interesting and even more financial information than in the past.
Since Microsoft took it over, everything disappeared; even the RSS feed of users online or the users online information in the Skype client! So, blogging about numbers has become almost impossible and this blog is for me no fun anymore.
My concerns and questions about Skype:
For the time being, I leave this blog as it is. If something appears about numbers, and if I am aware (or are made aware by some of my followers) I will do my best to publish it and make some comments.
And let us finish with a something positive note: Skype to Skype calling is still free, including video!
And a special thought about what happened yesterday in France: everybody should be free to say or write whatever he wants, and everybody has the right to disagree! But not with violence! I too am Charlie!
What about the future of my blog? Well, it is and was always mainly about numbers: users online, downloads, financial data, users by country, calling minutes, number of Skype forum users, …
In the far past, when Skype was still a 100% European company, they published quite a lot of those numbers. Then EBay purchased it, and the information became less frequent, but still interesting and even more financial information than in the past.
Since Microsoft took it over, everything disappeared; even the RSS feed of users online or the users online information in the Skype client! So, blogging about numbers has become almost impossible and this blog is for me no fun anymore.
My concerns and questions about Skype:
- Mandatory update of the client some months ago! Why?
- Is it still real peer-to-peer?
- Is there still a reliable encryption?
- Possible eavesdropping due to US laws – I hope “Big Brother” is not watching me!
- Appearance of advertisements in the Skype client
- "Please note that Skype cannot guarantee that caller identification will always be displayed"
For the time being, I leave this blog as it is. If something appears about numbers, and if I am aware (or are made aware by some of my followers) I will do my best to publish it and make some comments.
And let us finish with a something positive note: Skype to Skype calling is still free, including video!
World Cup Football?
Yesterday Skype went over 80 million concurrent users online. Steven Schoen from Hawaii was wondering if the World Cup Football (wrongly called soccer in some countries ;-) could be an explanation. The World Cup begun on June 12, with Brazil playing against Croatia. My kids being half Brazilians I was happy for them with the score, but I have to admit that a draw could have been justified.
Back to Skype … I made a copy of the only “users online” evolution graph available for the time being through “Aaytch”:
And yes indeed, there seems to be a rise in Skype usage from that date on. Coincidence or cause and effect? Do people call each other more before, during and after the match? Do they stream the match through their webcam?
If it is a World Cup effect, we will see a Skype usage the final match, taking into account that during Northern Hemisphere summer there is usually a strong drop in Skype users online.
Back to Skype … I made a copy of the only “users online” evolution graph available for the time being through “Aaytch”:
And yes indeed, there seems to be a rise in Skype usage from that date on. Coincidence or cause and effect? Do people call each other more before, during and after the match? Do they stream the match through their webcam?
If it is a World Cup effect, we will see a Skype usage the final match, taking into account that during Northern Hemisphere summer there is usually a strong drop in Skype users online.
Sudden jump to 79 million users online
On Monday Steven Schoen from Hawaii, one of my remaining “real” blog readers (I almost don’t post the last months!) warned me that « suddenly » the Skype concurrent users online reached 78,539,279 around 18h00 GMT. Yesterday I saw concurrent users online go above 79 million, also around 18h GMT.
Strange, because the last months there was a downward trend, from about 60 million at peak time in the beginning of the year, to about 56 million at peak time last week.
Why this sudden growth of the number, around 20 million more, one third more? Certainly not a sudden increase of the users, I don't believe this, probably some technical reason:
Probably Skype changed their algorithm to estimate the concurrent users online. But this is a guess!
Question: can we trust this number? I doubt about it, as does Steven!
Strange, because the last months there was a downward trend, from about 60 million at peak time in the beginning of the year, to about 56 million at peak time last week.
Why this sudden growth of the number, around 20 million more, one third more? Certainly not a sudden increase of the users, I don't believe this, probably some technical reason:
Probably Skype changed their algorithm to estimate the concurrent users online. But this is a guess!
Question: can we trust this number? I doubt about it, as does Steven!
Where are the 70 million?
End of August we reached a surprising high number of more than 70 million concurrent Skype users online!
The next graph represents the number of concurrent Skype users online on September 09, 2013.
The fluctuations are mainly due to day and night usage of the users in the different time zones. In 2008 I tried to explain the shape of the curve, see my post.
But, what surprised me is the following fact: Monday is usually the peak day in users online, but after the “false outlook induced growth” of end of August we had a quite significant downward trend (rounded numbers):
Skype growth stopped? Or still adjustments due to the integration?
The next graph represents the number of concurrent Skype users online on September 09, 2013.
The fluctuations are mainly due to day and night usage of the users in the different time zones. In 2008 I tried to explain the shape of the curve, see my post.
But, what surprised me is the following fact: Monday is usually the peak day in users online, but after the “false outlook induced growth” of end of August we had a quite significant downward trend (rounded numbers):
- Monday, September 09: 62 million
- Tuesday, September 17: 62 million
- Monday, September 23: 58 million
- Monday, September 30: 58 million
Skype growth stopped? Or still adjustments due to the integration?
It seems I was right: 70 million users online was " fake"!
Two weeks ago we jumped in less than 10 days from 60 million concurrent Skype users online to more than 70 million on August 27, very unusual, never happened before. And also not normal for the Northern Hemisphere Summer: usually no growth of users online at all during this period of the year. See the bottom of the screenshot of my “old Skype client”, taken on August 22, at 15h26 Belgian time (GMT+2): it shows 67 million people online.
Well, I follow Skype numbers since the very beginning of Skype’s birth in August 2003, and despite the very scarce information provided by the new owner Microsoft I developed a feeling concerning “normal or abnormal” changes in users online behavior. Therefore I dare to make some guesses. Sometimes they are wrong, sometimes they prove to be right.
In my post of August 27 I guessed this was a “fake growth” due to users logging unknowingly on to the Skype application, or double logging in, and it seems I am right. Last week it never went over the 62 million people online, and also today, the maximum I saw was 62 million and a bit.
Such a downfall of about 8 million people online is NOT usual, never happened either. So, what happened?
Anyway, what matters, Skype usage is still growing, no doubt about that!
In my post of August 27 I guessed this was a “fake growth” due to users logging unknowingly on to the Skype application, or double logging in, and it seems I am right. Last week it never went over the 62 million people online, and also today, the maximum I saw was 62 million and a bit.
Such a downfall of about 8 million people online is NOT usual, never happened either. So, what happened?
- Did a lot of Skype users abandon Skype last week? I don’t think so!
- Did Skype change the way it calculates the users online?
- Or change something in the automatic logon of
Anyway, what matters, Skype usage is still growing, no doubt about that!
Nice to have readers !
Well, of course I blog hoping to have readers! Is this narcissism? Somehow yes ;-)
One of my fanatic readers, Steve Schoen from Hawaii gave the link to the following chart. Not my chart! But yes, made by using my data. Thanks Statista! They mentioned it!
Not everybody is that fair! Nice graph by the way!
And, while I am busy with “myself”, The Guardian also commented on one of my last posts, see here. How long will I continue to blog? Well to be honest, I don’t know. Microsoft doesn’t provide separate numbers for the Skype business, not that I know at least. The only source now is the RSS feed of Skype Users Online. Even the Download Counter (on the same feed) has made some unexplainable strange jumps the last months and isn’t reliable anymore for that reason! And my blog is mainly about numbers … so, no numbers, no posts!
Not everybody is that fair! Nice graph by the way!
And, while I am busy with “myself”, The Guardian also commented on one of my last posts, see here. How long will I continue to blog? Well to be honest, I don’t know. Microsoft doesn’t provide separate numbers for the Skype business, not that I know at least. The only source now is the RSS feed of Skype Users Online. Even the Download Counter (on the same feed) has made some unexplainable strange jumps the last months and isn’t reliable anymore for that reason! And my blog is mainly about numbers … so, no numbers, no posts!
Happy Birthday Skype: 10 years!
10 years of fun ...
I begun to use it because ...
- free communications
- improved sound quality (compared with the poor bandwidth of classical phone and cell phones)
- free video
- nice chatting
- file transfer while calling
- free voice messages
- conference calls
- did i forget something?
I begun to use it because ...
- the Brazilian mother of my kids could call for free or much cheaper to her relatives
- and I had also quite some friends or even customers abroad!
- two of my kids lived for many months in Brazil
- my almost deaf mother can't call me anymore by phone or cell phone, but Skype (better sound quality and lip reading) is still possible
- I still have friends abroad of course!
70 million people online at the same moment: is this real growth?
We went in about one week from 60 million concurrent Skype Users online to 70 million today!
Never such a growth in the past! The phenomenal growth of the Skype concurrent users online (see the number at the bottom of your Skype client window for older versions or the Skype RSS feed here) is clearly due to the availability of Skype through (the former hotmail service of Microsoft) as announced some days ago here.
But, is it real growth? I mean, will people logging in in their mailbox really use Skype?
First, if I understand it well, everybody (from a limited amount of very important countries) has Skype enabled whenever they go into their account. Therefore they come online without really asking for it!
Second, some people have probably not merged their Skype account and their (or Microsoft) account. Therefore they are « twice » online « on Skype ». This is therefore (temporarily?) inflating the real number of persons online.
Be aware that I was NOT a Hotmail user, and I am still not an user. Therefore I speak without having tested anything. So, feel free to criticise!
Question? Will all these users use Skype? Skype is known since a long time, and most people know about its existence. So, some will be tempted to try it, others tried it in the past and will still not use it, and some are even not interested in trying it at all.
Therefore, the growth of concurrent users online is in my humble opinion partially a false growth.
Never such a growth in the past! The phenomenal growth of the Skype concurrent users online (see the number at the bottom of your Skype client window for older versions or the Skype RSS feed here) is clearly due to the availability of Skype through (the former hotmail service of Microsoft) as announced some days ago here.
But, is it real growth? I mean, will people logging in in their mailbox really use Skype?
First, if I understand it well, everybody (from a limited amount of very important countries) has Skype enabled whenever they go into their account. Therefore they come online without really asking for it!
Second, some people have probably not merged their Skype account and their (or Microsoft) account. Therefore they are « twice » online « on Skype ». This is therefore (temporarily?) inflating the real number of persons online.
Be aware that I was NOT a Hotmail user, and I am still not an user. Therefore I speak without having tested anything. So, feel free to criticise!
Question? Will all these users use Skype? Skype is known since a long time, and most people know about its existence. So, some will be tempted to try it, others tried it in the past and will still not use it, and some are even not interested in trying it at all.
Therefore, the growth of concurrent users online is in my humble opinion partially a false growth.
61.8 million people online at the same time
Today, one of my blog readers (Steve Schoen from Hawaii) told me that we crossed and 60 million concurrent people online and 61 million!
I checked: indeed, 61.891.799 according to the RSS Feed of Skype itself!
This is closer to 62 million! Perhaps we even reach it today!
These new records are quite early in the new season. It happened only once that a million milestone was crossed already in August, and this was on August 29, 2006!
UPDATE @ 17h40 GMT: 62 million reached!
I checked: indeed, 61.891.799 according to the RSS Feed of Skype itself!
This is closer to 62 million! Perhaps we even reach it today!
These new records are quite early in the new season. It happened only once that a million milestone was crossed already in August, and this was on August 29, 2006!
UPDATE @ 17h40 GMT: 62 million reached!
Wrong transcript : 1.4 million WHAT ?

This would mean that, in a period of 24 hours, if each one of these connections is from different people, 2 billion different users connect every day. With a World population of 7 billion, this doesn’t seem very realistic! And with a maximum of nearly 60 million concurrent users online at peak daytime, it isn’t either.
Of course, several people connect and disconnect several times per day. A more realistic estimate is the Skype estimate of 280 million active users some months ago, see my post of April 7.
So, what is the possible explanation about this 1.4 million number? Well the number is perhaps right, but the transcript is wrong, see the original graph on "Qmee finds out what happens online in 60 seconds". On the pie chart the following is written: “1.4 million Minutes Connecting with Each other” … and this is quite different from the “1.4 million people!”.
Inspiring entrepreneurs wamda? Please do your homework over!
Best season ever
Somewhere in May Skype passed the phenomenal number of 59 million concurrent people online at peak daytime (around 17h30 GMT, when as well Europe, Africa as the Americas are online). This is already, at peak daytime, 1 out of 120 human beings online.
During the Northern Hemisphere “School year” 2012-2013, this million milestones were crossed 18 times, the absolute Skype record, compared to 11 the previous year and 7 the year before (see the chart below).
Where will this stop? When each human being on the planet has a Skype account?
The explanations of the growth are multiple:

On weekends less people are online: they stay a longer time in bed, go on excursion, visit the relatives, play football, etc. And don’t forget that Christianity Sunday is Friday for the Muslims and Saturday for the Jews, therefore in some countries weekend begins earlier in the week than on Saturday!
I noticed also less people online on national Holidays of big countries, and in Holiday periods like now!
But, why almost always million crossovers (and Skype online users records) on a Monday? I guess some new Skype users install and try Skype when they are home on Weekend. Therefore, when on Monday all the “old users” come online after a quiet weekend, they are joined by the bunch of new weekend testers.
During the Northern Hemisphere “School year” 2012-2013, this million milestones were crossed 18 times, the absolute Skype record, compared to 11 the previous year and 7 the year before (see the chart below).
Where will this stop? When each human being on the planet has a Skype account?
The explanations of the growth are multiple:
- Skype is available on more platforms, even available for the Windows phone and Linux.
- Messenger (Microsoft product) was abandoned earlier this year! Everybody had to replace it by Skype, now also a Microsoft product :-(
- More people online “all the time”, because of mobile devices connected “all the time”.
- Videoskyping is so nice, with the beloved or grandchildren far away or even “pets” (lots of crazy people in the World ;-), or are it the pets that are crazy?).
- And we could go on …

On weekends less people are online: they stay a longer time in bed, go on excursion, visit the relatives, play football, etc. And don’t forget that Christianity Sunday is Friday for the Muslims and Saturday for the Jews, therefore in some countries weekend begins earlier in the week than on Saturday!
I noticed also less people online on national Holidays of big countries, and in Holiday periods like now!
But, why almost always million crossovers (and Skype online users records) on a Monday? I guess some new Skype users install and try Skype when they are home on Weekend. Therefore, when on Monday all the “old users” come online after a quiet weekend, they are joined by the bunch of new weekend testers.
7 minutes Skype calling time per day per user
Some days ago Skype proudly announced that their users spend a total amount of 2 billion minutes per day on Skype.
Some 2 months ago Skype told the world that there were more than 280 million active users each month, see a previous blog!
Using these two numbers, this means that the average daily time spend on Skype calls is 7 minutes per active user! A lot of them probably with video, therefore more enjoyable than an ordinary phone call!
Some 2 months ago Skype told the world that there were more than 280 million active users each month, see a previous blog!
Using these two numbers, this means that the average daily time spend on Skype calls is 7 minutes per active user! A lot of them probably with video, therefore more enjoyable than an ordinary phone call!
55 million concurrent people online
So, again a million ”crossover”, 55 million people, simultaneously online, on Skype ! Nice!
Last (Northern Hemisphere) school year we had 11 milestones like this! This was a record.
The vertical lines are NOT January 1 lines, but 20 of August lines. Why this choice? Because in (Northern Hemisphere) summer there is no apparent growth of concurrent users online. How many already this school year, in fact the 10th school year since the launch of Skype? Count for yourself or see the answer below the graph ...
14 million crossovers and end of June is still quite far away! Yes, the Skype user base is still growing!
The vertical lines are NOT January 1 lines, but 20 of August lines. Why this choice? Because in (Northern Hemisphere) summer there is no apparent growth of concurrent users online. How many already this school year, in fact the 10th school year since the launch of Skype? Count for yourself or see the answer below the graph ...
14 million crossovers and end of June is still quite far away! Yes, the Skype user base is still growing!
Some recent numbers
This blog is about numbers, therefore, even if it is only « copy-paste »
i publish what I find, sometimes with comments or own graphs, sometimes without
On the Skype blog they wrote: “more than 280 million people choose Skype to connect with their loved ones and colleagues every month.”
And then there was also Telegeography:
Download speed of Skype client accelerating!
If the RSS
feed of Skype provides correct numbers (and I don’t doubt about it!) we will
see in the next days a serious increase of concurrent Skype users online! Indeed,
the last days the number of downloads of the Skype client has a main speed of
4200 downloads per minute, and I even saw a speed of 6375 downloads/minute, never saw such a high speed before! (I
don’t monitor on a continuous basis, therefore there probably were even higher
download speeds!)
times ahead :-)
50 million concurrent users online !
Skype crossed the 49 million AND the 50 million marks of concurrent users
online !
More mobile
devices, the MSN integration and the let’s not forget the natural growth of
users worldwide!
This means
that one out of each 140 people in the World was online at the same moment (if
we forget multiple accounts of one user – I had two running!).
September 5, 2003 there were "only" 44,444 people online at some moment of
that day (I don’t have the hour)!
Where will
it stop?
And, 48 million people online today!
a Sunday, 47 million, and more than 48 million people online today. So, this means something is
Schoen, from Hawaii, and one of my most regular readers thinks that two factors
could explain this sudden "online users" surge:
announcements were made on January 10 on the Skype Blogs!
47 million on a Sunday, first time ever!
It never
happened before that Skype crossed a million milestone on a Sunday, but it
happened today:
47 million
people online at about 18h GMT, thanks to Steven Schoen from Honolulu – Hawaii who
warned me!
On weekends
Skype usually doesn’t break records. Million Milestones were never crossed on a
Friday (Muslim weekend), Saturday or Sunday (Christian weekend), and now for
the first time ever a Sunday, strange, almost funny!
And Happy New Year to all my readers!
Higher speed of downloads of Skype client
Is the integration of MSN and Skype finally showing up in the number of Skype downloads, or is it the –according to Skype – massive download of Skype for iPhone and iPad?
See their blog here:
“Skype for iPhone and iPad Hits over 120 Million Downloads and Releases New Versions”.
In my opinion it is more the MSN-Skype merge. The download graph show clearly a bend around November 20, with download speeds as high as 5000 clients/minute, instead of the 2000 /minute at other moments!
“Skype for iPhone and iPad Hits over 120 Million Downloads and Releases New Versions”.
In my opinion it is more the MSN-Skype merge. The download graph show clearly a bend around November 20, with download speeds as high as 5000 clients/minute, instead of the 2000 /minute at other moments!
46 million people online
New million crossed: 46 million concurrent users online, thanks to Steve from Hawaii to warn me!
Skype and MSN merge
Skype announced some days ago that it will integrate MSN and Skype. In fact, from what I understand, MSN will disappear and be swallowed by Skype. I would have expected an acceleration of downloads of the Skype client (and of users online), but to my surprise … nothing yet! See the graph below.
Why? Well, first, the migration to Skype is still not mandatory! Secondly, and this is a guess, some functionalities will be lost, and probably some MSN users are reluctant to move now, see the questions and answers here.
But there is hope! One of the questions is “Can I show up as offline to specific contacts?” and the answer is “You can’t yet hide from individual contacts.” The “yet” is revealing that they are working on it! This is an old “desire” of quite a lot of Skype users, read their forum!
Why? Well, first, the migration to Skype is still not mandatory! Secondly, and this is a guess, some functionalities will be lost, and probably some MSN users are reluctant to move now, see the questions and answers here.
But there is hope! One of the questions is “Can I show up as offline to specific contacts?” and the answer is “You can’t yet hide from individual contacts.” The “yet” is revealing that they are working on it! This is an old “desire” of quite a lot of Skype users, read their forum!
45 million people online
We reached 44 million concurrent Skype users online on September 17, but I was too busy and didn't blog.
Today my "warning mate Steve" from Hawaii warned me that we reached 45 million some minutes ago! Indeed!
More and more people are active on the internet, but there are also more and more people that are permanently connected through mobile devices (not my case yet)! I guess these are the two main reasons for the growth of Skype concurrent users online
Today my "warning mate Steve" from Hawaii warned me that we reached 45 million some minutes ago! Indeed!
More and more people are active on the internet, but there are also more and more people that are permanently connected through mobile devices (not my case yet)! I guess these are the two main reasons for the growth of Skype concurrent users online
43 million
According to one of my blog readers, we reached 43 million concurrent users online today.
Thanks, Steve Schoen, from Hawai.
He said
"I think the surge in usage is somehow school-related".
He is probably right!
Thanks, Steve Schoen, from Hawai.
He said
"I think the surge in usage is somehow school-related".
He is probably right!
42 million people online
Skype is indeed still growing: 42 concurrent million people online! But, when will Microsoft allow Skype to publish some more numbers?
- users per country?
- minutes called per continent?
- revenue per paying user?
- total sales?
Tip of the day: free screen sharing with Skype!
When you are in a video call and you want to share a screen you get the following message:
"You need Skype Premium to share screens", and … you can have a free 7 days trial or buy Skype Premium at once.
But, the following phrase made me curious: “Sharing screens on a video call or a group call is available as part of Skype Premium”. Implicitly, this means that when you are in a normal one to one Skype to Skype voice call WITHOUT VIDEO you still have free screen sharing.
I tried it, here is the result …
No more pop up screen inviting you to pay for Skype Premium, and while calling the other person you still can see HIS (or HER) video! But he or she can’t see you. Therefore, screen sharing is still free! But Skype doesn’t tell you this in the pop-up screen, of course, business is business!
I tested this with version for Windows.
No more pop up screen inviting you to pay for Skype Premium, and while calling the other person you still can see HIS (or HER) video! But he or she can’t see you. Therefore, screen sharing is still free! But Skype doesn’t tell you this in the pop-up screen, of course, business is business!
I tested this with version for Windows.
41 million people online!
Today, we reached more than 41.5 million concurrent users online.
Probably still related to the Skype for Windows Phone app, that went out of "beta", the new 1.0 version was released!
This is the most phenomenal growth period of the Skype history!
Probably still related to the Skype for Windows Phone app, that went out of "beta", the new 1.0 version was released!
This is the most phenomenal growth period of the Skype history!
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