
Skype and MSN merge

Skype announced some days ago that it will integrate MSN and Skype. In fact, from what I understand, MSN will disappear and be swallowed by Skype. I would have expected an acceleration of downloads of the Skype client (and of users online), but to my surprise … nothing yet! See the graph below.
Why? Well, first, the migration to Skype is still not mandatory! Secondly, and this is a guess, some functionalities will be lost, and probably some MSN users are reluctant to move now, see the questions and answers here.

But there is hope! One of the questions is “Can I show up as offline to specific contacts?” and the answer is “You can’t yet hide from individual contacts.” The “yet” is revealing that they are working on it! This is an old “desire” of quite a lot of Skype users, read their forum!

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