The counter was however down since May 2010. And before that date, the last download number was 2.438 billion times! (See the chart).

Why do I have more confidence in the 1.855 billion number? Well, in April 2009 I also noticed that the RSS feed was down, and after working again there was a strange upward jump in number of downloads and speed! I blogged about it and even got some private comments from Skype staff when I pretended that the new download number at that moment was flawed (first they seemed to agree, then they told me the new number was correct)!
Now, the last number of last week seems to be in line with the extrapolation of the download curve before April 2009, see the red line in the inserted graph!
I am happy to have again the number of downloads, because at least, even if it is not the most interesting indicator, it is, with the number of concurrent users online the only number that can be followed up day by day. I would like to receive more information from Skype (financial data, usage numbers, etc.), but the information became very scarce after they left eBay!
Hi. Thank you for a great blog with many good insights.
I'm a student at lund University and I'm currently trying to evaluate the future growth of the skype. I'm looking for numbers on a skype market that has matured.
Personally I belive that skype hides the more matured markets of european countries inside the EMEA concept so that it can bundle them up with the high growth potential of the african countries.
Do you know of any growth, penetration numbers from a specific european country?
Hello Rasmus,
Thanks for the compliment.
All the number I have are from the net, from eBay quarterly financial results (when they still owned Skype).
And most of them were published on my blog. And I don't have recent information about any European country, because only Skype can provide that!
So, no Rasmus, I can't help you :-(
Thanks anyway!
Atleast now it will be more exciting when they finaly does release some information.
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