
Some Covid numbers per million inhabitants, sorted by "deaths"

Beware, not every country measures the number of deaths in the same way, France for instance doesn't count people dying in retirement homes!
And it is quite clear that Iceland and Luxembourg are testing more people than other countries!


Corona speed - some European countries

My analysis is worth what it is worth …
Not sure that I am right and not sure that this is interesting, but numbers were always my hobby.
Spain seem to do it almost worse than Italy!


Corona or Covid: absolute numbers compared to relative numbers

In the Belgian newspapers, even the more serious ones you see absolute numbers about the “Corona” flu, this country that much, this other one ooooh soooo much, etc.
Belgium is 11 million people, China is … too much for my brain, Italy is 60.50 million people. And newspapers here in my country continue to publish absolute numbers, not relative ones.
A “relative number” is publishing numbers compared to – in this case – the population or demography, as you want to call it, English isn’t my mother tongue.
I saw this graph (see on the right side) on a Belgian newspaper: wrong conclusion, we Belgian (red graph) or Swiss are less infected than Italy and Spain!
OK … let’s rework the data …
Today March 20, graph of Covid “confirmed” cases per 1 million people: Italy first, then Switserland (!), Spain and Norway!
Of course, remember the word “confirmed”: probably my partner and myself also got the disease, but in a bearable way, so we wont get tested. Perhaps Switzerland and Norway test much more people, therefore they report more cases: they belong to the richest countries of the world!
Please criticize my analysis, or ask questions when you don't understand my point, welcome, I could be wrong …

I open my blog again … about Numbers … not Skype … but “Beer” … joke … “Corona” or “Covid 19” … and no, I don’t like the beer, worse than Heineken, give me a “Duvel”