
33 AND 34 million the same day!

Skype hit 33 million concurrent users online today, and later on 34 million (around 18:15 GMT), only 4 days after the previous million milestone. This was fast, the fastest time of Skype history, see the table on the left, 3 million crossovers in 4 days, and two the same day!

One possible reason for this increased growth could be this:

Skype for Windows Phone App Released in Beta.

Amazing, because this Northern Hemisphere School Year was rather a deception until some weeks ago!

And thanks to Steve Schoen from Hawaii who warned me by e-mail about these two supplementary milestones!

Aloha :-)


32 million

I saw for the first time 32 million simultaneous people online today, through the Skype RSS feed!

Was it the first time today? I am almost sure, but not completely, because my major and most favorite source, the Japanese site nyanyan.to doesn't show the online number graph anymore, and this is a pity!